Every new leisure development starts with a spark of creative imagination. However to bring a creative idea to the next level of development, whether it is a new tourist attraction, theme park or FEC development, a solid framework of starting points is required to ensure a strong business case behind your idea.
Don’t start designing yet
We believe it is our quest to prevent new leisure developments ending up to become not more than ‘a pie in the sky’. This can have many reasons but an important one of those reasons is already starting with the creative design based on incorrect or even no starting points at all.
We believe designing leisure destinations is a combination of art & science. Numbers are nothing without creativity and vice versa. Only when those two disciplines come together, the best and most realistic ideas come to life. A strong business case behind any new development will benefit the efficiency of the next design & development steps for all parties involved. Our pre-masterplanning study is a very efficient, pragmatic and tailored approach towards defining the most needed development variables on which to make well thought through decisions, making your new project more realistic, reliable and feasible on the size, creative strategy and investment level.
What we do
Every new project is unique, therefore our pre-masterplanning approach will be tailored to your specific situation based on our extensive knowledge and years of experience in the attraction, leisure and entertainment industry. That being said, in our pre-masterplanning study we will together make well-informed decisions on, among others:
project mission & vision statement
market positioning
investment plan & future expansion plan
site appraisal
attendance numbers (based on market potential & penetration)
capacity management (design day, THRC/OHRC, instant capacity)
average length of stay
required m2
routing & flow
Finally all combined into a strategic advice for your project identity and creative vision on the type of experience offer (attractions, F&B, retail), positioning, capacity, target audiences and physical planning.
The output from the pre-masterplanning study will be combined into an attractive presentation booklet, giving you and other parties involved a clear guiding document for the following design phases, as well as a strong document that will help to inform and convince potential investors and other stakeholders.
So if you want to be off to a good start, reach out to us and together we wil create a strong foundation to bring your new creative idea to the next level of development.
“We believe designing leisure destinations is a combination of art & science. Numbers are nothing without creativity and vice versa. Only when those two disciplines come together, the best and most realistic ideas come to life.”