Jora Vision - Chaos Experiences Design & Build
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Looking for an intangible and out of the ordinary experience… welcome to Chaos. 

During the design process of, let’s say traditional experiences, we constantly ask ourselves the question ‘why’. This question is focussed on giving meaning to everything that happens and how things look. Furthermore it provides a clear level of understanding to the visitor. 

Then we thought, what happens if we turn ‘why’ into ‘why not’ and BOOM a door openend to a whole new world of visitor engagement and creativity.

What is the thought behind Chaos? 

Chaos experiences are born from the ever changing personality and needs of the younger audience. A audience that defines itself by:

  • struggle between real life and technology 

  • in constant search for opportunities for self expression

  • quickly rejecting what they don’t like but fully embracing what they do like

  • defender of own interpretation instead of being told what to believe  

  • a constant thirst for the unpredictable (the unknown/unexpected) 

The aim of chaos is not to provide the visitor with a predefined message to learn, a predefined path to follow or a predefined time to do so. Furthermore we want to prevent that everybody ends up having had the exact same experience.

Chaos experience philosophy 

Chaos experiences are designed following the philosophy:

  • not to guide vistors but to let them explore

  • not to educate visitors but to inspire them 

  • not to make visitors think about time but to let them follow their own pace

  • not to make visitors see what is there but make them imagine what isn’t there

The aim is to create an experience that truly lets visitors escape their own reality, thereby giving room to all of the above. Chaos experiences offer visitors an engagement on multiple levels, putting them in a state of: wonder, immersion, interaction and (abstract) meaning. Elements of the experience that can be recognizable and found in immersive art, trick eye, projection mapped or Instagram experiences, but in their mixture, use and setting, a unique and original ‘chaos’ erupts. 

Beware, however! Chaos experiences are not for the faith hearted entrepreneur…so if you do dare to venture into chaos, reach out to us and together we will explore the unknown.




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