Jora Vision is featured as the cover story of EAP (EuroAmusement Professional) Magazine’s second issue of 2021. In an exclusive interview CEO Jan-Maarten de Raad and Project Development Director Robin van der Want talk about the evolution of our company and our reinvented strategy.
We noticed different trends and unfulfilled desires in the market. Some (dark)rides and experiences only seem destined for large parks or big players. Rides that offer a high-level experience, but also require a high investment and large footprint. These requirements are often not within the financial and spatial capabilities of smaller parks and venues. But visitors and entrepreneurs also desire such kind of experiences.
That’s why we invested in reinventing our strategy, resulting in a move from a company that solely does tailor-made projects to a company that also develops its own (turnkey) innovative attractions and experiences. And now it is time to proudly present two of those unique innovations. DomeMotion360©, a compact dome dark ride that brings high-level experiences to museums, zoo’s and parks with complex spaces. And RemarkaBall©, a game changer in the world of minigolf.
Thanks to ©EuroAmusement Professional Trade Magazine, Issue 2/2021, G.P. Probst Verlag,